Trinidad Bay BnB Hotel

Trinidad Bay BnB Hotel
Front of the Trinidad Bay BnB Hotel

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Standing up for our Guests!

Standing up for our Guests!

Guest Hotel Tax (T.O.T) Increases — Decrease 

Round 2:  March 31, 2022 (updated 4/2022) 

We sent a letter requesting the City immediately cease collecting at 10% and that they send a letter. Guess what? Next day, when we filed and paid our guest’ first quarter taxes ( at 8% ), we found out the City of Trinidad California stopped collecting its 2nd UNCONSTITUTIONALLY increased hotel tax! 

12% then 10% now 8% — Why? 

The City has reverted to requiring we charge, collect and pay them our guest’ tax for guest’ stays at 8% — Wonder why?

Similar to our City short-term rental businesses, we are required to account for, charge, collect and pay the City under penalty of fine and late fees. But the City of Trinidad now, 

“…at this time intends to collect the T.O.T. at the previous rate of 8% set by Resolution 93-4 in 1993.  Therefore, from and after January 1, 2022 until further notice to operators, the T.O.T rate will be 8%.

Refunding Already Paid T.O.T.

The City has not addressed refunding the tens of thousands of dollars in hotel tax it has already been paid. 

The City made no mention of receiving our request to add it up and come up with a plan to address its mistakes. We will be pressing this issue at the April 12, 2022 City Council Meeting — Public still has to “call-in” because our City is still using coronavirus excuses to not hold Public Meetings in Town Hall 

We are standing up to the City and supporting all of our Trinidad California lodging businesses. And to those who made it through the 6 months of City STR Moratorium closures in 2020, glad you made it! 

“We are still with you.” 🙏🏻 


#trinidadcalifornia #trinidadbayhotel #trinidadbaybnb #trinidadcaliforniatourism #libertynotlockdown #factsnotfear #fightback 

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